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Simi Hamilton
US Ski Team (Cross Country)
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Simeon "Simi" Hamilton is an American cross country skier who has competed since 2000. Hamilton attended Middlebury College from 2005?2009, during which time he competed for its ski team, individually earning several All-American NCAA Championship results. It was announced on 29 January 2010 that Hamilton qualified for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Hamilton competed in the 15 kilometer freestyle, 1.5 kilometer classic sprint, and 4x10km relay races. He paced all Americans in the field in the 1.5 kilometer sprint by advancing to the medal rounds and finishing 29th of 96 competitors. In the relay, Hamilton pulled away from the Estonian skier in the anchor leg to secure a 13th place finish. On December 31, 2013, Hamilton won Stage 3 of the 2013?14 FIS Tour de Ski, a 1.5 kilometer freestyle sprint. In doing so, he became the first American male to win a World Cup race since Bill Koch won the Sarajevo 30k in February 1983. [More at Wikipedia]
May 14th, 1987 in Aspen (Age 37)
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