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Ian Schubert
Former Rugby League Player
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General Information
Ian 'Shoey' Schubert is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer of the 1970s and 80s. He later became chief salary cap auditor for the National Rugby League. An Australian international representative player, Schubert had a long club career which began with a sensational opening season for Eastern Suburbs, before fading out and re-inventing himself with Manly-Warringah and Western Suburbs so well that he regained his Australian jumper after having been in reserve grade a year prior. By the time his career closed Schubert had played 269 first grade games, which stood as the third highest in the history of the NSWRFL. In 1982, Schubert was a member of the 1982 Kangaroo tour, the team being the first to go through Great Britain and France undefeated, earning themselves the nickname "The Invincibles". Though he didn't play any of the tests on the tour, he played in 12 minor games and scored 3 tries. 
August 22nd, 1956 in (Age 68)
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