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David Hookes
Former Australian Test Cricketer
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General Information
David William Hookes was an Australian cricketer, broadcaster and coach of the Victorian cricket team. An aggressive left-handed batsman, Hookes usually batted in the middle order. His international career got off to a sensational start in the Centenary Test at Melbourne in 1977 when he hit England captain Tony Greig for five consecutive boundaries, but a combination of circumstances ensured that he never became a regular in the Australian team. He wrote in his autobiography, "I suspect history will judge me harshly as a batsman because of my modest record in 23 Tests and I can't complain about that". For many years, he was a leading figure in Australian domestic cricket, most notably in his role as captain of South Australia. Wisden called him, "a first-class destroyer of second-rate bowling". He scored a century from 34 balls in a match against Victoria in 1982, and finished his career as the highest run-scorer in Sheffield Shield history. An outspoken man who had several brushes with the game's officials, Hookes retired at the end of the 1991?92 season and pursued his media career. He moved to Melbourne in 1995 and broadcast on Radio 3AW. 
May 3rd, 1955 in Adelaide  /  Died:   Jan 19th, 2004 - Cardiac arrest during a pub brawl
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Jan 19th, 2004 - Cardiac arrest during a pub brawl
This page has been left online for reference purposes only.
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