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Mark Tilton
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Mark Tilton is a UK screenwriter, filmmaker and musician, born 1962 in Blackpool, England. Tilton is a frequent collaborator with director George Milton: Milton & Tilton?s screenplay The Truth, a darkly comic murder-mystery satirising new age therapy, was produced by European indie 2 Many Executives. Directed by Milton and featuring Elizabeth McGovern, Elaine Cassidy and Karl Theobald amongst an ensemble cast, the film was critically acclaimed on its theatrical release in 2006. Infidel, a drama focusing on the subject of Holocaust denial, was awarded Best UK Short Film at Raindance Film Festival 2009. The film is part of a triptych of shorts, Sins Of London, written by Tilton and directed by Milton. A graduate of the renowned UEA Creative Writing Course, Tilton wrote the libretto for Hell For Leather, a comic film opera composed and directed by Dominik Scherrer. The film won numerous international awards, including the Prix Action Light at Locarno International Film Festival, and featured in the notorious Sensation exhibition at The Brooklyn Museum in 1999. In the late 1970s and early '80s Tilton was guitarist and singer with iconic punk thrash band The Membranes. 
January 1st, 1962 in Blackpool (Age 63)
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