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Laurence Marks
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Laurence Marks is a British sitcom writer and one half of writing duo Marks & Gran, his collaborator being Maurice Gran. Prior to becoming a sitcom writer he was a reporter for a local weekly paper, the Tottenham Weekly Herald and, according to information he provided to Who's Who, he was also briefly a staff writer for The Sunday Times in the mid- to late 1970s. Following a chance encounter with comedy writer Barry Took, he and childhood friend Maurice Gran got an opportunity to write a radio show for comedian Frankie Howerd, which led to their becoming full time comedy writers. Marks subsequently wrote with Gran the TV comedy-drama Shine on Harvey Moon and the popular sitcoms, The New Statesman, Birds of a Feather and Goodnight Sweetheart. They are also the authors of Prudence at Number 10, a fictional diary written as though by a P.A. of UK prime minister Gordon Brown. Marks is an Arsenal fan and wrote the book "A Fan For All Seasons", a diary of his life as a writer and an Arsenal supporter. His father was one of over 43 people who died in the Moorgate tube crash of 1975. In 2006 Marks made a documentary for Channel 4 about his father and the crash. 
December 8th, 1948 in London Borough of Camden (Age 76)
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