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Karla Nelsen
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Karla Nelsen is a former amateur female bodybuilder from the United States. Nelsen grew up in Pine City, Minnesota. That is where she became involved in the fledgling sport of women's bodybuilding. She won the AAU Ms. America title in 1993 and the NABBA Ms. USA title in 1994. At a height of 5'10" and an off-season peak weight of 225 lbs, Karla was well known for her mixed wrestling videos which featured her in videos where she wrestled much smaller men most of the time in her own videos that she sold. But she also did work for Bill Wick, Premier Productions, Builtmore Productions, Flexible Productions, Leather & Lace, AnnDees Amazons and Mass Muscle where the men were not that small. She also wrestled women where she was undefeated until her confrontation against Nicole Bass, renowned to be "the world's largest fbb", who was the only one to dominate her in a competitive match produced by Mass Muscle. Karla is married to Al Blake. Al Blake is a retired American professional wrestler known as Vladimir Petrov. 
December 9th, 1965 in (Age 59)
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