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Peter Trueman
Canadian Journalist
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General Information
Peter Trueman, O.C. is a Canadian television and radio personality. He is best known for his work for the Global Television Network between 1974 and July 1988. In the 1960s and early 1970s he was a reporter, editor and producer for CBC Television News. Raised in Sackville and Fredericton, New Brunswick, he was the son of Albert Trueman, an academic and respected arts administrator. Trueman moved into television after working as a reporter for the Montreal Star. He was executive producer of CBC's flagship newscast The National during the FLQ Crisis in 1970. In his memoirs, he recalled being ordered to censor the CBC's coverage of the crisis: "We were to avoid commentary and speculation of all kinds. We were not to use man-on-the-street interviews or shoot film of any public demonstration. We were to air no panel discussions on the October Crisis and were to avoid reporting speculation, particularly speculation about what the government was doing." 
January 1st, 1934 in (Age 91)
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