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Penny Woolcock
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General Information
Penny Woolcock is a British filmmaker, opera director, and screenwriter. She was raised in a British community in Montevideo, speaking English and going to English schools. In 1967, she founded a radical theatre group and was briefly arrested; her parents wanted to send her to Europe for safety. Instead, she fled to Spain with a man from the theatre group and had a baby in Barcelona. In 1970 she moved to England as a single mother. She did factory work and other jobs. In her thirties she enrolled in a filmmakers' workshop, borrowed film-making equipment, and sold the resulting feature to BBC Channel 4. She was then hired as a director and editor of a current affairs program originating in Newcastle. From there, she went on to feature making. Her first feature as a writer and director was Women in Tropical Places in 1989. Since then she has directed and/or written seven films. She adapted and directed Macbeth on the Estate in 1997. Her breakthrough film was Tina Goes Shopping, which was a collaborative piece with the real residents of the Gipton estates in Leeds, which was part of what is now known as the Tina Trilogy. [More at Wikipedia]
January 1st, 1950 in Buenos Aires (Age 75)
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