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Scott Guyett
Soccer Player
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General Information
Scott Barry Guyett is a professional football defender. He is of Australian nationality, having spent most of his childhood in Australia. He has been on the books of the Brisbane City Soccer Club in Newmarket, Queensland. Guyett's career in England started at Gresley Rovers, where he won a Southern Premier League title in 1996?97 before making an impact with Southport, who were enjoying a period of relative success in the Football Conference. He helped them to a top-four finish in 2000?01 and then followed manager Mark Wright to Football League side Oxford United along with central defensive partner Phil Bolland. A year later, Guyett was on the move again as he teamed up with Wright at Chester City, where he was named player of the season in 2002?03 and then won a Conference championship medal a year later. But he opted to join Yeovil Town in the summer of 2004 and remained there until 2008, bar a loan spell with Aldershot Town in 2005. In May 2007, Guyett played at Wembley Stadium in the Football League One play-off final against Blackpool. He moved to Bournemouth in the summer of 2008, at the age of 32, after being allowed to leave Yeovil Town by mutual consent. 
January 20th, 1976 in Ascot (Age 49)
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