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Michel Pollentier
Belgian cyclist
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Michel Pollentier is a Belgian former professional road bicycle racer. He became professional in 1973. The highlight of his career was his overall win in the 1977 Giro d'Italia. In the 1978 Tour de France, he was the Belgian national champion when he won the stage arriving in Alpe d'Huez and took the yellow jersey. However, he was accused of foul play in the succeeding doping test, having used what was described politely as a pear-shaped tube of different urine held under the armpit and connected by a plastic tube to give the impression of urinating. Pollentier was uncovered after another rider at the test had trouble operating his own system of tubes and aroused the suspicion of the doctor, who then demanded Pollentier lift his jersey to show if he too was cheating. He was put out of the Tour, later won by Bernard Hinault. The affair took away most of Pollentier's credibility in international cycling. Even though he managed to win 1980s edition of the Tour of Flanders and he also came 2nd in the 1982 Vuelta a Espa�a. 1984 was his last professional season. After his cycling career, Pollentier became a car tyre garage owner and founded a cycling school. 
February 13th, 1951 in Diksmuide (Age 74)
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