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Brent Bambury
CBC Personality
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Brent Bambury is a Canadian radio and television personality. Bambury is the host of Day 6 a national Canadian current affairs program which is distributed by Public Radio International and heard in major U.S. markets including Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle. Bambury has hosted a number of programs for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. A New Brunswick native, Bambury began his CBC career at stations in Saint John, Halifax and Montreal. In 1984, he became a correspondent for CBC Stereo's Brave New Waves, and became the show's permanent host in 1985. The show, which aired nightly at 11:00 pm, was one of Canada's leading outlets for alternative rock in the late 1980s; in the early 1990s, when alternative became the dominant commercial genre, the show retained its focus on indie and underground culture instead of joining the mainstream. In the early 1990s, Bambury was also an entertainment reporter for CBC television's Midday. In 1995, Bambury became the show's cohost, replacing Kevin Newman, and his hosting duties at Brave New Waves went to Patti Schmidt. In 2000, Midday ended its run, and Bambury hosted a successful short-run game show on CBC Radio One, Off the Cuff. 
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