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Tom Friedman
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Tom Friedman American conceptual sculptor known for his work employing everyday material, such as toothpicks or sugar cubes in intricate geometric arrangements. Friedman was born in St. Louis, Missouri and attended Washington University in St. Louis, receiving his Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic illustration in 1988. He pursued graduate coursework at the University of Illinois at Chicago receiving a Master of Fine Arts in sculpture in 1990. His first solo exhibits were held the following year at Feature in New York City, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and the Rezac Gallery in Chicago. He has since exhibited in London, Rome, Geneva and Tokyo among other cities. A stainless steel cast of his Circle Dance, inspired by Henri Matisse's La Danse, is installed on the campus of Brown University. Friedman currently lives in Leverett, Massachusetts. 
January 1st, 1965 in St. Louis (Age 60)
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