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Joe Kelly (5)
Author - Dads and Daughters
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Joe Kelly is an author known primarily for books about fathering. He was co-founder, with Michael Kieschnick, of a national advocacy nonprofit for fathers and daughters in the United States, Dads and Daughters, which operated from 1999 until 2008. In 1993, he helped his wife Nancy Gruver to found New Moon, edited by girls 8- to 14-years old girls. He is best known for the book Dads & Daughters, which discusses issues for fathers and stepfathers raising daughters. In it, he writes: "Every father can make a huge difference in his daughter's life. A father is the first man his daughter knows. With that potent position of ?first man? comes the ability to set the norm of manliness for her?a norm that ultimately can be stronger than what anyone else tells her. When we truly listen to our daughters, we help reduce the odds that our girls will be caught in a cultural straight-jacket that limits her options and behavior because of her gender. We can fight the effects of the gender straight-jacket by never requiring or expecting our daughters to wear it when they are with us ? and thus helping her feel a freedom she may not have elsewhere." 
January 1st, 1954 in (Age 71)
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