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Stephen Clarke
Canadian Olympic Swimmer
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Stephen Clarke is a Canadian former competition swimmer and Olympic bronze medalist. Clarke was born in Sutton Coldfield, England, and emigrated to Canada at an early age. He swam for the COBRA swim club in Brampton, Ontario, where he was the first member of the club to make the national team. Clarke had a distinguished international swimming career, representing Canada at two Summer Olympics and a Commonwealth Games. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain, he won a bronze medal by anchoring the Canadian team in the men's 4 � 100 metre medley relay, swimming with Mark Tewksbury, Jonathan Cleveland and Marcel Gery. He swam in multiple events at the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Victoria, British Columbia, winning a gold medal in the men's 100 metres freestye, a silver in the 100 metres butterfly, and a second silver for anchoring Canada's second-place relay team in the 4 x 100 metres medley relay, together with teammates Chris Renaud, Jon Cleveland and Robert Braknis. At the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, Clarke qualified for the event finals of the men's 100-metre butterfly, finishing seventh with as time of 53.3 seconds. 
July 21st, 1973 in Sutton Coldfield (Age 51)
Last Changes
New Event: 2015/01/30 - Olympia London, London, United Kingdom
New Event: 2013/04/20 - Waterstone's Brussels, Brussels, United Kingdom
New Event: 2011/09/22 08:00 PM - Buchhandlung Ruthmann, 55129 Mainz, Germany
Page Changes

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