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Pedro Morales
Former WWE superstar
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Pedro Morales is a retired Puerto Rican professional wrestler. He began his wrestling career as a teenager in 1959 and won his first important championship, the WWA World Heavyweight Championship, while wrestling for Worldwide Wrestling Associates. After joining the World Wide Wrestling Federation, now known as WWE, Morales became the first man in wrestling history to win all three major men's titles in the company, the WWWF Championship, the Intercontinental Championship and the WWF World Tag Team Championship. By also holding the WWWF United States Championship he also became the first performer to hold four separate titles within the promotion, a distinction that later became known as a Grand Slam Championship, despite not being listed as such by WWE. Morales proved to be a popular champion, to the point that he remains the only wrestler to be among the five longest reigning champions in the history of both of the two major titles, holding the WWWF Championship for 1,027 days and the Intercontinental Championship for 619 days. Like Bruno Sammartino before him, Morales heavily appealed to a specific group, in his case Puerto Ricans and Latinos in general. 
October 22nd, 1942 in Culebra  /  Died:   Feb 12th, 2019
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New Response (Success): sent him 2 8 by 10s from an old PWI I had.
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Date: Feb 12th, 2019
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