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Mac King
Comedian/ Magician
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General Information
Mac King is a comedy magician who has performed on television specials, often as a co-host. He has his own family-friendly show, "The Mac King Comedy Magic Show," at the Harrah's Las Vegas in the Clint Holmes Theater. On the NBC The World's Greatest Magic specials, King taught the audience a minor effect before and after each commercial in segments referred to as the Mac King School of Magic. He is the only magician to be in all five of the network's specials. In addition to the TV specials and Harrah's performances, King performs at more than 60 private corporate events each year. Some of his better-known effects involve goldfish, Fig Newtons, and a yellow raincoat he claims is a magic cloak of invisibility. One of King's most memorable moments occurred while performing his cut-and-restored rope routine. King has said that one of his biggest pet peeves is that some magicians use dull scissors, and he makes it a point to keep his scissors razor sharp. While performing the routine, he accidentally severed the tip of his thumb. He quickly tried to stop the bleeding by wrapping his thumb in tape, but the injury was too severe. [More at Wikipedia]
December 2nd, 1959 in Hopkinsville (Age 65)
Last Changes
New Event: 2025/11/04 - Las Vegas, NV, US
New Event: 2025/09/19 - Las Vegas, NV, US
New Event: 2025/12/19 - Las Vegas, NV, US
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