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Marcos Hernandez
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Marcos Hernandez was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1982 and raised in Dallas, Texas. He worked at the Lewisville YMCA in Flower Mound, Texas as a lifeguard. Hernandez was discovered by Vanilla Ice manager Tommy Quon. He is a Mexican American pop singer whose debut single, "If You Were Mine", was released in August 2005. The single got a good amount of airplay on Pop and Rhythmic stations and slowly crept up to the Top 25 on Top 40 radio. The single also went to #1 in South Africa and France. The video for the single was shot in Echo Park, California. His album C About Me was originally independently released on Ultrax Records, yet once "If You Were Mine" began taking off at radio, he signed a new deal with TVT Records with plans to retool the album. The album was eventually re-released on October 25, 2005 with a different album cover, along with a couple of newly recorded tracks. Since new tracks were added, a couple of songs on the original version of his debut album were omitted:. 
January 1st, 1982 in Phoenix (Age 43)
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