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Marta Torne
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General Information
Marta Torn� is a Spanish actress and presenter. When Marta finished C.O.U., she went to work as a receptionist at a production company and everyone liked her so much she decided to study a higher level training cycle, audiovisual production, radio shows and so she could get jobs at the company where she worked. After completing her studies, she worked in various Radio stations like: Radio Estel, R�dio Nova, Flaix FM and RAC 1. But her concentration on the small screen came after being chosen to star in one of the biggest hits on television in Spain in recent years, El Internado in Antena 3. In this series she appeared with other popular Spanish actors such as of Amparo Bar� or Luis Merlo, Marta was part of a cast with a group of young actors like Ana de Armas, thanks to their roles in the series, which quickly gained fame. Marta played the role of the maid Maria Almagro. On 3 March 2010, Marta debut as a stage actress in the play "M�s all� del puente". In December 2010 she was the host of the talk-show Algo pasa con Marta in La Sexta, that only lasted two weeks. She is expected to be in the cast of the Spanish series Los protegidos in autumn 2011. 
March 10th, 1945 in Barcelona (Age 80)
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