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Dave Newton
ESPN NASCAR Anchor/Reporter
  • General Info
General Information
David Newton is a guitarist/songwriter with the British band The Mighty Lemon Drops. Newton has been a member of Active Restraint, The Wild Flowers, The Mighty Lemon Drops, Blue Aeroplanes, Starfish, Revolux, Fonda, Straight To Video, Twinstar, The C86 All Stars, Bilston United, The Joshua Dreamz and most recently David Newton And Thee Mighty Angels. He moved from Wolverhampton, England to Southern California in January 1995, where he co-formed the short lived band Revolux with former Seven Simons honcho / The The guitarist Keith Joyner. Newton built his own personal recording studio, Rollercoaster Recording, in Burbank in the late 1990s. Newton has produced / engineered records by the following: The Little Ones, The Happy Hollows, Everybody Was in the French Resistance...Now!, Kissing Tigers, The Soft Pack, The Movies, The Henry Clay People, The Blood Arm, Death to Anders, You Me & Iowa, Wait Think Fast, The Lassie Foundation, Twinstar, Graham MacRae, Red Lightning / Alain Whyte, Big Stone City, The Hush Now, Star Parts, One Silver Astronaut, Slow Car Crash, The Transmissions, The Golden Years. Newton recently produced The Little Ones' debut EP, Sing Song. [More at Wikipedia]
Last Changes
New Address: Available to members only
Address Removed: Available to members only
New Event: 2010/03/21 - Bristol, B7
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