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Samantha Warriner
No 1 in the world in womens triathlon
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Samantha Warriner is a triathlete who represents New Zealand in triathlons ranging from sprint distance up to the Half Ironman distance. She was born in Alton, Hampshire, England. Samantha first turned professional at the end of 2005 after competing on the international stage for 3 years whilst also teaching full-time at Whangarei Girls High School. In 2005 Samantha had her first victory on the ITU World Circuit on 15 May 2005 when she was victorious on the Japanese Island of Ishigaki in an ITU World Cup. Sam followed this up with a win in the Hamburg ITU World Cup in Germany on 6 August 2005. In 2006 Samantha started the year by taking 2nd in the Melbourne Commonwealth Games. Samantha has been victorious in 7 ITU World Cup events, this puts her 9th on the all time list of female ITU World Cup winners. Only three female athletes have won ITU World Cups in more continuous years than Samantha who has won at least 1 World Cup in the years 2005 through to 2008 inclusive. . In 2008 Samantha won the ITU World Cup series overall. Going into the final round of the ITU World Cup Samantha was in 2nd position, and needed to finish 7th or above in the Mexican finale in Huatulco. 
August 1st, 1971 in Alton (Age 53)
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