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Craig Anderson (4)
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Craig Anderson is an Australian writer and actor best known for his comedic turns in the Australian Feature film Bootmen, the television series Double the Fist, and award winning short films Life in a Datsun, Demon Datsun, Life in a Volkswagen. Anderson has a First Class Honors in Performance and Theory from the University of Western Sydney and has almost completed a PhD on the subject of comedy. In 2000, Anderson began a successful career as an MC and judge at film festivals including the Newcastle Film Festival, the Shootout Film Festival held annually in Newcastle, and the Funny Bone 500. In November 2008 Anderson featured in three episodes of the ABC TV show Review With Myles Barlow. Double the Fist co-star Bryan Moses also featured in three episodes of the series. In addition Anderson served as associate producer and first assistant director on the series During 2011 Anderson produced and directed several web series that screened on various Sydney Morning Herald digital spaces. Anderson is currently in development on a new comedy series for ABC entitled Love.Sick. 
November 1st, 1976 in (Age 48)
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