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Matthias Hues
Actor - D-War, Death Match, Suicide Ride, Legion of the Dead
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General Information
Matthias Hues is a German-born, American-naturalized actor and martial artist. He was born on Valentine's Day in Waltrop, Germany, to the late Dr. Josef Hues and Maria Humperdinck Hues who still resides in Germany. Maria is the niece of Engelbert Humperdinck, composer of the opera Hansel and Gretel. Matthias was very involved in sports from an early age on. By the time he was 19 he was part of the team that won the German pentathlon championship in Hannover and he later became Germany's hope in track and field. He also took up martial arts due to his ability to move extremely fast for his 6'5" height and 250-pound weight. After graduating from school, Matthias moved to Paris to fulfill his early dream of entering hotel management. Once there he joined one of the most prestigious health clubs in Paris, which had just been bombarded with the new Jane Fonda aerobic exercise program from the USA. Matthias recognized an opportunity when he saw one, then and after returning to Germany he gave up his idea of going into hotel management and instead opened two health clubs, flying in aerobic teachers from the USA. 
February 14th, 1959 in Waltrop (Age 66)
Last Changes
New Response (Success): I sent Mr. Hues a letter, SASE, and 3 color 8x10s...
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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