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Ephraim Ellis
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Ephraim Todd Ellis is a Canadian actor. He is known for playing Rick Murray in the television show Degrassi: The Next Generation After his character reign on Degrassi, he also appeared in the Family series Naturally, Sadie as Vince in the episodes "Social Climbers," "Unusual Suspects," "Pack of Lies," and "Forest for the Trees." In 2005 he played the role of Riley on Zixx: Level 2 and in 2007-2009 he played Riley again on Zixx: Level 3. He also appeared in seasons 4 and 5 of the APTN show in the role of Dylan. He also played the character Danny on the television show Falcon Beach which aired on Global. Ephraim began acting while studying at Earl Haig Secondary School in Toronto, Ontario. He served as a producer for the school's annual film festival, Zoom. His other television credits include an appearance in the television series Zoe Busiek: Wild Card for Lifetime. He has also starred in the Canadian Film Centre's 2004 feature White Out, which was entered in the Toronto International Film Festival. He also played Riley Kineston on Zixx. In 2009 He played the character Eli Keller on Family Biz in Ottawa, Ontario. 
February 23rd, 1985 in Toronto (Age 40)
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