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Ryan Toby
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General Information
Ryan Toby is an American soul singer, songwriter, producer, and actor known as the baritenor in the group City High. He is also best known for playing Wesley Glen Ahmal James in the 1993 film Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. Ryan?s musical chronicles began when his manager Marvin Thompson introduced Ryan to then RCA Records A&R Director Kenny Ortiz, which eventually lead to a meeting with Disney & Buena Vista/Touchstone Pictures Executives. The company was looking for young actors/singers for their upcoming project titled Sister Act II: Back In The Habit. Landing a principal role at 16 years old, the talented singer/actor was featured on the accompanying soundtrack. He wrote the rap part to the much loved single ?Joyful, Joyful? which also featured newcomer Lauryn Hill and was a featured soloist on the single ?Oh Happy Day?. After filming Ryan was put in touch with Jazzy Jeff and was invited to Philadelphia. Jeff and Ryan bonded and he was asked to sign to his Touch of Jazz Production Company. It was during that time that Will Smith visited with Jeff. Smith was working on his upcoming album titled Big Willie Style. Smith heard Ryan and wanted him to work on his album. 
November 26th, 1976 in Willingboro Township, New Jersey (Age 48)
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