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Ken Herock
Former Raider/football
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General Information
Ken Herock was an American college and professional football player who played tight end. He played collegiately at West Virginia and professionally in the American Football League, where he played for the AFL Champion Oakland Raiders in the second AFL-NFL World Championship Game, held after the 1967 season. He attended Munhall High School in Pittsburgh. His six-year pro career was spent with the Oakland Raiders, who he helped win the AFL title, the Cincinnati Bengals, and the Boston Patriots. After his playing career ended, Herock was a player personnel executive in the NFL with the Raiders, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the Atlanta Falcons. He is known for trading Brett Favre from the Falcons to the Green Bay Packers at the urging of head coach Jerry Glanville. In High School, Ken played volleyball, baseball, basketball, and football. Ken Now lives in Gainesville, Georgia and is in the West Virginia Hall of Fame. Herock spent seven seasons as the Raiders' personnel director, and was credited with helping build their Super Bowl XI championship team. 
July 16th, 1941 in Munhall (Age 83)
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New Response (Success): Returned both items I sent unsigned.
New Response (Success): Kept my 66 Topps and SB II card, signed 2 index ca..
New Response (Success): signed 2 cards I sent
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