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Robert E. Howard
  • General Info
General Information
Robert Ervin Howard was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is well known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Howard was born and raised in the state of Texas. He spent most of his life in the town of Cross Plains with some time spent in nearby Brownwood. A bookish and intellectual child, he was also a fan of boxing and spent some time in his late teens bodybuilding, eventually taking up amateur boxing. From the age of nine he dreamed of becoming a writer of adventure fiction but did not have real success until he was 23. Thereafter, until his death at the age of 30 by suicide, Howard's writings were published in a wide selection of magazines, journals, and newspapers, and he had become successful in several genres. Although a Conan novel was nearly published into a book in 1934, his stories never appeared in book form during his lifetime. The main outlet for his stories was in the pulp magazine Weird Tales. Howard?s suicide and the circumstances surrounding it have led to varied speculation about his mental health. 
January 22nd, 1906 in Peaster  /  Died:   Jun 11th, 1936 - aged 30
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BirthYear : 1906
BirthMonthAndDay : 01-22
BirthDate : 1906-01-22
BirthPlace : Peaster,_Texas
DeathDate : 1936-06-11
DeathPlace : Cross_Plains,_Texas
DeathYear : 1936
Genre : Sword_and_sorcery
Genre : Western_fiction
Genre : Boxing
Genre : Historical_novel
Genre : Horror_fiction
Influenced : Poul_Anderson
Influenced : Leigh_Brackett
Influenced : Ramsey_Campbell
Influenced : L._Sprague_de_Camp
Influenced : Lin_Carter
Influenced : David_Drake
Influenced : Steven_Erikson
Influenced : David_Gemmell
Influenced : Laurell_K._Hamilton
Influenced : John_Jakes
Influenced : Paul_Kearney
Influenced : William_King_(author)
Influenced : Henry_Kuttner
Influenced : Fritz_Leiber
Influenced : Richard_A._Lupoff
Influenced : George_R._R._Martin
Influenced : Brian_McNaughton
Influenced : Michael_Moorcock
Influenced : C._L._Moore
Influenced : Andrew_J._Offutt
Influenced : Emil_Petaja
Influenced : James_Reasoner
Influenced : Charles_R._Saunders
Influenced : Dave_Sim
Influenced : S._M._Stirling
Influenced : Matthew_Stover
Influenced : Richard_L._Tierney
Influenced : Harry_Turtledove
Influenced : Karl_Edward_Wagner
Influenced : Robert_Weinberg_(author)
InfluencedBy : Plutarch
InfluencedBy : Edgar_Rice_Burroughs
InfluencedBy : Edwin_Lester_Arnold
InfluencedBy : Rafael_Sabatini
InfluencedBy : Rudyard_Kipling
InfluencedBy : Thomas_Bulfinch
InfluencedBy : Sax_Rohmer
InfluencedBy : Arthur_Conan_Doyle
InfluencedBy : Nathaniel_Hawthorne
InfluencedBy : Jack_London
InfluencedBy : Harold_Lamb
InfluencedBy : Talbot_Mundy
InfluencedBy : H._Rider_Haggard
InfluencedBy : Alexandre_Dumas
InfluencedBy : Helena_Blavatsky
InfluencedBy : Clark_Ashton_Smith
InfluencedBy : H._P._Lovecraft
InfluencedBy : G._K._Chesterton
InfluencedBy : Edward_Plunkett,_18th_Baron_of_Dunsany
Movement : Weird_fiction
Movement : Sword_and_sorcery
NotableWork : Conan_the_Barbarian
NotableWork : Solomon_Kane
NotableWork : The_Hour_of_the_Dragon
NotableWork : Worms_of_the_Earth
NotableWork : Pigeons_from_Hell
Pseudonym : "Patrick Mac Conaire, Steve Costigan, Patrick Ervin, Patrick Howard, Sam Walser
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Jun 11th, 1936 - aged 30
This page has been left online for reference purposes only.
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