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Susan Roman
Female Voice Over Talent, Sailor Moon
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Susan Roman is a Canadian voice actress best known for voice acting the role of Lita/Sailor Jupiter in the North American DiC dub of the anime, Sailor Moon. She is one of the few voice actors to remain throughout the entire run of the series. Her other best-known role was the voice of Melissa Raccoon from the second season on of The Raccoons. She also provided Snowy's typical dog sounds in the television series The Adventures of Tintin . In 2000, Roman voiced James the Red Engine in Thomas and the Magic Railroad. She has also played Mayor Amelia in the English version of Mega Man Legends, Mega Man Trigger in the English version of Mega Man Legends 2, and the voice of Harry's mother in the television series Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs. She played the voice of two Care Bears in different decades: Champ Bear in 1985's The Care Bears Movie and its TV series, and Good Luck Bear in Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-lot and The Care Bears' Big Wish Movie. She played the voice of Oliver and Judy Tate in Beyblade as well as Salima in Beyblade V-Force She had a recurring guest role as the Morlock leader Callisto in the first X-Men animated series. 
April 17th, 1957 in Edmonton (Age 67)
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New Response (OLD!) (Success): Sent a letter, 4x6, and two DVD covers. Received t..
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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