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Luke Prokopec
  • General Info
General Information
Kenneth Luke Prokopec is an Australian-born, right-handed pitcher who played in Major League Baseball for the Los Angeles Dodgers and Toronto Blue Jays. While with the Dodgers in 2000 and 2001, the tandem of Prokopec and fellow Australian Jeff Williams gained considerable popularity in the Los Angeles area. However, the attention was short lived, as both moved on to other franchises. Prokopec was traded to Toronto on December 13, 2001 with Chad Ricketts in exchange for C�sar Izturis and Paul Quantrill. Prokopec's 2002 tenure with the Toronto Blue Jays was unsuccessful, as he went 2-9 and sustained a labral tear injury late in the season. In short order, the Blue Jays granted Prokopec free agency in October, 2002. The Los Angeles Dodgers then signed him that November, but kept him off their 40-man roster, and the Cincinnati Reds subsequently claimed Prokopec from Los Angeles in the Rule 5 Draft in December. However, Prokopec would never throw another pitch for any organization?further labral problems occurred, forcing Prokopec's early retirement from professional baseball at the age of 24. 
February 23rd, 1978 in Blackwood (Age 47)
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New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
New Scanned Autograph (TTM/Probably Authentic)
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