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Shaw Taylor
British TV host
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Shaw Taylor MBE is a British actor and television presenter. He served in the RAF and trained at RADA. He then acted on stage in the West End and on tour. He was an announcer for ATV when the normal announcer was not available. He then had a variety of acting roles in film and television from the 1950s onwards, and presented various game shows including Password, Tell the Truth, Dotto, This Is Your Chance and The Law Game. He hosted a pilot episode in 1972 called Whodunnit? on ITV, before the show was taken over by Edward Woodward for the first series and then Jon Pertwee from series two to series six. He also made a guest appearance on the same show in a series one episode entitled "Knife in the Back". He is today best known for presenting Police 5, a long-running 5-minute television programme first broadcast in 1962 that appealed to the public to help solve crimes. He later presented a spin-off show for younger viewers called Junior Police 5, aka JP5. His catchphrase was "Keep 'em peeled!" - asking viewers to be vigilant. 
October 26th, 1924 in London Borough of Hackney  /  Died:   Mar 17th, 2015 - aged 90
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This celebrity has passed away
Date: Mar 17th, 2015 - aged 90
This page has been left online for reference purposes only.
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