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Jonah Smith
  • General Info
General Information
Jonah Smith is an American musician. He recorded his first album, Industry Rule, in 2000 at engineer Matt Stein's studio in New York. The album was completed in under a week and featured Smith's regular lineup of musicians for the next several years: Marko Djordjevic - drums, Bob Reynolds - sax, Ben Rubin - bass and David Soler - guitar, pedal steel guitar, as well as harmony vocals by Maya Azucena, a frequent guest at his live shows. The sound of the album was a mixture of soul, jazz and country and the material was mostly inspired by Smith's recent move to New York to pursue music. The album was well received by the New York press and soon led to a regular spot at the famed 55 Bar after Jonah was discovered by its owner, Queva Lutz. Coinciding with Smith's gaining stature in New York was the band's popularity in Spain due to the influence of guitarist David Soler. Soon Smith and his band were touring regularly in Spain as well as on the East Coast of the United States. In 2003 after a fair amount of touring Smith returned to the studio to record his followup, Beneath the Underdog, with coproducer Jason Olaine. 
January 1st, 1975 in Syracuse (Age 50)
Last Changes
New Event: 2018/03/16 - Los Angeles, CA, US
New Event: 2016/07/12 10:00 PM - New York, NY, United States
New Event: 2016/05/20 08:00 PM - New York, NY, United States
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