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Tari Phillips
Basketball player
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Tari L. Phillips is an American professional women's basketball player. She currently plays with Acer ERG Priolo, an Italian A1 team based in Priolo Gargallo, Sicily. Her cousin Tayyiba Haneef-Park plays for USA Volleyball. Phillips attended the University of Georgia during her first three college years, and helped its Lady Bulldogs team to the NCAA Regional Finals in 1987 and 1988. She transferred during her senior year to the University of Central Florida, where she graduated in 1991. She played for the Seattle Reign and the Colorado Xplosion in the American Basketball League. She made the ABL's Western Conference All-Star team in both 1997 and 1998, and was named the MVP of the 1997 All-Star Game. After the ABL abruptly folded, Phillip was selected by her hometown team, the Orlando Miracle in the first round of the WNBA Draft on May 4, 1999. After her WNBA rookie season in 1999, she was selected by the Portland Fire in the WNBA's Expansion Draft in December 1999, but she was later traded to the New York Liberty just prior to the start of the WNBA's 2000 season. She played with the Liberty from 2000 to 2004. 
March 6th, 1969 in Orlando (Age 56)
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