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Bill Hillgrove
Broadcaster, Voice of the Pittsburgh Steelers
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General Information
Bill Hillgrove is an American sports journalist, radio personality, and sports broadcaster. He is currently the lead play-by-play broadcaster for the Steelers football network and for the University of Pittsburgh Img sports network he calls the Pitt games with former Pitt quarterback Pat Bostick. Born William Thomas Hillgrove in Pittsburgh's Lawrenceville neighborhood, he grew up in nearby Garfield. He attended Central Catholic High School and Duquesne University. He worked as a student sports broadcaster for Duquesne basketball games while in college. He graduated from Duquesne in 1962 with a degree in journalism. His first job was as a disk jockey with WKJF. He later worked as a DJ for WTAE-AM. In 1969 he was hired as a road game broadcaster for the Pitt Panthers basketball team. The following year, he became the regular color announcer for Pitt football play-by-play man Ed Conway. Following Conway's death in 1974, he assumed the play-by-play announcer duties. He was the 2007 winner of the Chris Schenkel Award, presented by the National Football Foundation, for his work as Pitt's football broadcaster. 
January 1st, 1940 in United States of America (Age 85)
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