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Ursula Rani Sarma
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General Information
Ursula Rani Sarma is an Irish/Indian playwright, screenwriter and poet. She grew up in County Clare, Ireland and has a BA from University College Cork and an MPhil from Trinity College Dublin. She began directing and writing plays while a student at University College Cork. The first play she directed was Innocence by Frank McGuinness in 1997 at the University's Granary Theatre. In 1999 she wrote and directed Like Sugar on Skin which was selected to represent the University at the annual Irish Student Drama Awards in Galway where it won several awards. Her breakthrough came in August 1999 when she wrote and directed her first professional play ...touched... which premiered at Edinburgh's Hillstreet Theatre Venue. ...touched... received critical acclaim and attracted attention from the Traverse Theatre, the National Theatre London and the BBC. She founded Djinn Theatre Company in 1999 and has served as Artistic Director since that time. Since 1999, she has written thirteen plays for stage, three radio plays, contributed episodes to Ecosse Films series Raw on RT�, and had her poetry included in several anthologies. 
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