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Eric Graham
NFL Player - Carolina Panthers 2007
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Ricky Graham is a former Australian rules footballer who played for Geelong in the VFL during the late 1960s. He also captain-coached TFL club New Norfolk. Ricky comes from a famous footballing family with his father Jack and nephew Ben each playing over 200 games in the VFL/AFL. Mostly a centreman and flanker during his career, Graham played originally with Geelong Districts. He made his debut for Geelong's VFL side in 1965 and appeared in the seniors sporadically over the course of his five-year career. He spent a lot of his time in the reserves and won a Gardiner Medal in 1967. His efforts in the reserves that year earned him selection as 20th man in the Grand Final against Richmond but he finished on the losing side. Graham did however kick one of his four VFL goals in the game, from outside 50, with such long kicking being a feature of his game. Graham was appointed captain-coach of New Norfolk in 1970 and won the William Leitch Medal two years later. He had the distinction of captaining Tasmania at the 1972 Perth Carnival. From 1973 to 1976 he coached Ulverstone and steered them to the 1976 Tasmanian State Premiership. 
June 21st, 1946 in (Age 78)
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