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Chuck Winters
Football Player - Toronto Argonauts 2007
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Charles "Chuck" Winters is a former Canadian Football League linebacker and defensive back who played for the Toronto Argonauts. Winters retired from the Argonauts on December 19, 2008, after six great years as a linebacker and defensive back. During his time with the Argonauts, he appeared in 82 regular-season games and eight playoff contests and was a member of the Argonauts' 2004 Grey Cup-winning team. In the 2007 season, he posted a career-high 38 tackles and led the team with 6 caused fumbles. Winters grew up in the tough Herman Gardens project of Detroit, Michigan. When he was in middle school, gang violence began permeating the projects. For many, adolescence is one's search for acceptance. Like his head coach and many of his teammates, Winters sought acceptance in organized sports such as baseball and football rather than joining violent street gangs. Although he escaped the vicious cycle of violence himself, his 19-year-old brother Malik was murdered in a drive-by shooting in 1998. 
February 7th, 1974 in Detroit (Age 51)
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