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Albita Rodr�guez, known in her music career simply as Albita, is a Grammy-winning Cuban-American singer, producer and composer. Albita was born in Havana, Cuba. Her parents were well-known Cuban folk music singers, which ensured Albita's exposure to the world of Cuban country music from her early years. Working professionally since her teen years, by the late eighties she had attained some level of recognition among national interpreters of Cuban folk music. In 1988, her first album, Habr� M�sica Guajira, was released. In 1990, work commitments took her to Colombia and from there she defected to the United States on April 15, 1993, making the southern city of Miami her place of permanent residence. Albita spent some time performing at a Spanish food restaurant in Miami, where she got the attention of celebrities like Gianni Versace, Quincy Jones, Madonna, Sylvester Stallone, Paco de Lucia, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, among others that soon became her fans. In 1994 she was signed by Emilio Estefan's Crescent Moon label and her first single in the U.S., "Qu� Manera de Quererte", was released. In 1995, her album No Se Parece a Nada saw daylight. 
Other Names
  • Albita Rodríguez
June 6th, 1962 in Havana (Age 62)
Last Changes
New Event: 2022/05/07 - Miami, FL, US
New Event: 2022/05/09 - Miami, FL, US
New Event: 2020/05/09 - Miami, FL, US
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