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Eve Karpf
  • General Info
General Information
Eve Karpf is a British actress and voice-over actress. Among her roles was the voice of Weed for the new 2001 Bill and Ben show. She was a voice of Dennis' mum and Matilda in the 1996 Dennis the Menace series and Mrs. Bird in The Adventures of Paddington Bear. Karpf also featured in several Books on Tape, among them "A Creepy Company" who was praised as being "a marvelous performer whose storytelling talents keep the listener spellbound." She is known for being the voice of the Ferrero Rocher commercial line, "Monsieur, with these Rocher, you're really spoiling us." She has numerous minor roles in video games from various franchises including James Bond and Star Wars. Her credits include Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter video games, including Prisoner of Azkaban, Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 and 2. She also did the voice over for the role of Monica the mother of St. Augustine in the movie "Restless Heart", Ignatius Press, and for the cat Alvina in 2011 videogame Dark Souls. 
August 2nd, 1947 in (Age 77)
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Type:Voice-Over Agency
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25 87 6
Comb. Rating:  (30)
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Type:Voice-Over Agency
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Comb. Stats: 
31 14 1
Comb. Rating:  (16)
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