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Arif S Kinchen
Voice Over Talent
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General Information
Arif S. Kinchen, is an African-American actor. Arif S. Kinchen, an actor and acclaimed voice over artist, made his acting debut in the American film classic House Party featuring Kid 'n Play. The Los Angeles native went on to land the starring role in the New Line Cinema short film, The Jacket, guest starred on the television program Saved by the Bell: The New Class, and became a household name as LaMarr Hicks on the UPN hit series Sparks. The role afforded the young actor the opportunity to reach a large fan base, and his comedic timing landed him an accredited role in the film Trippin'. He then starred in the comedies Beverly Hood and Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg's The Wash. Most recently, Kinchen starred in the 2012 theatrical holiday release of Christmas in Compton, a family comedy written and directed by David Raynr. Lauded for his vocal dexterity, Mr. Kinchen is one of a handful of African-American's who have made his mark in the video game industry, rising to fame with recurring roles in the Volition/THQ series Saints Row and the cult hits The Suffering: Ties That Bind & Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam. 
February 7th, 1973 in Los Angeles (Age 52)
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