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  1. Artist, Painter, Toy Designer ( aka Klor)
  2. Norwegian Artist
  3. Consumer Advocate/Photographer
  4. artist
  5. Artist, Wildlife & Nature Artist, does a lot of artwork featured on stamps
  6. Author/Fashion Designer
  7. Peformance Artist,Writer,Painter
  8. Sculptor born in 1930
  9. Artist
  10. Created the brand Off White and is one of the most famous designers in the world. He is also a DJ
  11. Author/Illustrator-Clean House
  12. Author/Photographer-I'm Perfect,Your Doomed
  13. Artist and model
  14. Artist
  15. Animator, artist. Worked for Disney in the 50s, then later with Hanna-Barbera, Looney Tunes, and other studios
  16. Author/Photographer
  17. Artist
  18. Mexican comic colorist. He is usually credited simply as Aburtov, and is the founder of art studio Graphikslava. His other coloring credits have included Batman/Catwoman for D.C., Herc and Ultimate Thor for Marvel Comics, and G.I. Joe f
  19. Artist
  20. Artist
  21. costuma designer (last emperor dang liaisons)
  22. Did album art for heavy metal album cover for the movie and probably a lot of other stuff for the magazine
  23. director, artist, author
  24. From L.A. Ink with Kat Von D
  25. Bill Ackerman  (2)
    Filmation and Hanna-Barbera animator. Worked in animation from the late 1950s through the early 1970s. Also worked as a director and writer during this stretch. I don't think he was the same person who worked in visual effects in 2014
  26. Artist
  27. Costume Designer
  28. Artist
  29. Artist
  30. Ed Acosta  (2)
    Character Designer at Fox Television Animation
  31. Photographer director
  32. Painter
  33. Artist for garbage pail kids cards
  34. Italian painter
  35. Italian painter and artist, is living in Paris, France
  36. Artist
  37. Costume design
  38. Comic book artist, creator of 'Longshot'
  39. Costume design
  40. JFK, Vietnam - AP photographer who took the 1969 Pulitzer price winning Vietnam photograph 'Saigon Execution'; also covered President Kennedy's funeral incl. the famous image where Jackie Kennedy holds the folded US flag tfrom JFK's coffin
  41. Consulted directly with Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy on Lafayette Square Historic District in Washington, D.C., supervised project for Robert Kennedy. Involved in planning, design & construction of President Kennedy's gravesite at Arlington Cemetery
  42. Costume Designer established the iconic looks of the Duffer Brothers STRANGER THINGS season 1
  43. Legendary comic book artist. 'Deadman', 'X-Men', 'The Brave and the Bold', 'The Avengers'
  44. Artist/Painter
  45. Robert Adams  (4)
    2009 Hasselblad Award for Photography
  46. Russ Adams  (2)
    Tennis Photographer
  47. American born painter; painted a series of paperback book covers for Agatha Christie in the 1960's-1970's
  48. Tom Adams  (4)
    American-Scottish illustrator
  49. Costume design
  50. Cartoonist
  51. Illustrator
  52. American Painter and Illustrator.
  53. Sculptor
  54. Illisrator
  55. Children's Author/Illustrator-Te Perfect Thanksgiving
  56. Architect
  57. American illustrator
  58. The Walking Dead comic artist/Actor -Walking Dead Walker
  59. Employee of First National Bank of Dallas, Adler photographed a portion of the Kennedy motorcade & sold his film to Life magazine. Later, he served as the chief photographer at the Dallas Times Herald and managed its file of JFK negatives
  60. Actress - Grease 2, Eat Your Heart Out, Down The Shore, Say Anything; Voice Actress --Tinkerbell, Lucky on 101 Dalmatians: the series, Bobby on King of the Hill
  61. fashion designer
  62. Animation storyboard artist
  63. Adrian  (2)
    Fashion designer (1903-59). Head of MGM's costume design, created Wizard of Oz costumes, and clothed Garbo, Hepburn, Harlow, and Crawford. Posthumous Tony Award for his work on the musical Camelot
  64. Artist
  65. Painter
  66. costume designer
  67. Fashion and entertainment photographer
  68. Wildlife Artist, Conservationist
  69. Illustrator
  70. Photographer
  71. Animation designer
  72. Fashion Designer
  73. Costume design
  74. Maria Aguilar  (2)
    Costume design
  75. Animation Prop Designer - Bob's Burgers
  76. Author-Illustrator
  77. Artist
  78. Photographer
  79. Former President of Finland; 2008 Nobel Peace Prize
  80. Photographer
  81. Artist, Illustrator Dora The Explorer -Kolchak Tales: Night Stalker of The Living Dead
  82. Artist
  83. Lisa Aisato N'jie Solberg, pen name Lisa Aisato (born 23 July 1981), is a Norwegian visual artist, illustrator and author of picture books
  84. Tattoo Artist
  85. Artist
  86. Comic book artist
  87. Artist, Designer
  88. Illustrator
  89. Artist
  90. Artist
  91. Artist
  92. Storyboard Artist
  93. fashion designer
  94. Artist
  95. Animation layout artist, Animation Director
  96. Athabascan artist Rose Albert lives in Alaska's Iditarod country, where she works and once upon a time mushed as the first Alaska Native woman in The Last Great Race
  97. Character designer - The Simpsons
  98. Artist; Has worked for Marvel, DC Comics, Warner Brothers, AMC, Nickelodeon, Disney, Coke, Cartoon Network, Sesame Street
  99. artist
  100. Model/Actress/Author/Illustrator - Youth, The Art of Love, You And Me And Why We Are In Love, Quand Je Serai Un Animal
  101. Video Game Pioneer - Creator of Pong
  102. Ilustrator
  103. Author-The Long Winter
  104. costume designer (the great gatsby, ghostbusters)
  105. Artist, did cover art for elton johns captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy
  106. Peintre et graveur belge né en 1927
  107. designer
  108. Illustrator
  109. Born Alan Smith 1920 (age 89?90) Tulsa, Oklahoma U.S. Occupation Film, stage actor, photographer. Born: 01/14/1920
  110. children author/illus (the high king) nwbery 69
  111. Australian Designer
  112. Graphic Artist
  113. Puerto Rican fashion designer
  114. Produced and costume designer
  115. Designer HGTV's Home In A Heartbeat
  116. fashion designer
  117. Photographer
  118. Creator of Bee and PuppyCat, writer, animator, Adventure Time
  119. Brian Allen  (4)
    Freelance artist and creative director;
  120. Jim Allen  (2)
    Cartoonist, The Beauforts
  121. Author-Princess Party
  122. Storyboard Artist
  123. Kristin Allen  (2)
    Sketch Artist
  124. costume designer (mrs doubfire, little shop/horrors)
  125. Artist
  126. Illustrator
  127. Terry Allen  (5)
  128. Tim Allen  (2)
    Disney animator who works at the Walt Disney Animation Studios
  129. William Allen  (2)
    UPI photographer , photographed Pres. Kennedy at Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on Nov.22. Also covered Jack Ruby trial
  130. William Allen  (3)
    News photographer for the Dallas Times Herald in 1963 , Allen was one of three photographers to take photos of the three ' tramps ' who were led by police away from railway car
  131. Illustrator
  132. Illustrator
  133. Construction worker who helped build the St Louis Arch in the mid-1960s
  134. Artist
  135. Sculptor, Artist & Photographer. Member of the Order of Canada
  136. Artist
  137. Cartoonist. Mad Magazine (frequent contributions)
  138. Artist
  139. Architect
  140. Artist
  141. German drawer
  142. surfboard boat designer
  143. Artist
  144. JFK - photographer that took a series of iconic photographs during the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas
  145. Disney storyboarder / artist
  146. Artist; best known for his work on the card game, MAGIC: The Gathering
  147. Artist
  148. Artist
  149. Animation director
  150. Artist
  151. Designer and illustrator of cinema art
  152. Cartoonist, 'Senior Moments', 'Toon-Ed'
  153. Belgian artist, lives in Mexico City
  154. Architect
  155. VP, Content & Char Development at Marvel. She also co-created Marvel's first solo series to feature a female Muslim superhero called Ms. Marvel
  156. Artist
  157. photographer
  158. Choctaw bead artist, glass artist, painter, fashion designer, and performance artist, living north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is known for his highly realistic beadwork portraits
  159. Artist
  160. Artist
  161. Costume design
  162. Conceptual Artist, Designer, Engineer
  163. Actress and artist - The Dragon Prince, MLP:FiM
  164. South African Artist, Illustrator and Designer
  165. Makes mixtapes and clothing line
  166. Illustrator
  167. Artist
  168. Don Anderson  (2)
    Storyboard Artist
  169. MTG Artist
  170. Jamaican Actress, Filmmaker, Photographer. She co-produced The Harder They Come with Jimmy Cliff, made a couple films about Bob Marley. Lives in London and Paris
  171. Graphic designer and architect. He is most well known as the designer of the recycling symbol, one of the most readily recognizable logos in the world
  172. Ken Anderson  (6)
    Disney animator, writer & art director
  173. Artist for goose creek sympohny albums
  174. Animator the simpsons
  175. Author/Illustrator-My First Joke Book
  176. Artist-Star Wars Novel Covers
  177. Illustrator
  178. Artist
  179. Artist
  180. World Famous Architect (Designed the Fort Worth Modern Museum)
  181. Artist
  182. Comic Book Artist - Bombshells, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman,
  183. minimalist sculptor
  184. Female Model And Photographer
  185. Illustrator
  186. Co-creator of Ultimate Ninjago, Legends of Chima, NEXO Knights, and LEGO Ninjago
  187. computer software designer
  188. Architect, born in 1938
  189. American painter
  190. Sword Swallower
  191. Model & Photographer.Former Girlfriend of Ringo Starr in the 1970's
  192. Artist/Scupltor-Star Wars 1993 Chess Set
  193. Illustrator
  194. Artist
  195. Photographer
  196. Illustrator
  197. photographer
  198. American Actress And Model- Movie -'Earth Girls Are Easy' (1988), 'Dangerous Love' (1988), 'Hardcase and Fist' (1989), 'Homer and Eddie' (1989), 'Malibu Beach Vampires' (1991), 'Flies on Cupid' (2000)
  199. childrens author/illustrator-Faith is a Flower
  200. Artist
  201. Ladies of London
  202. Animator - Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, Spectral, The Jungle Book, The Hunger Games Part 2, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, The Hobbit 2 & 3, The Wolverine,
  203. Japanese Animation Company: One Piece
  204. Canadian Artist and Social Activist. Member of the Order of Canada
  205. Artist provided the sketches in the film 40 Carats 1973 and did the covers of record albums by the Hampton Hawes Trio, The Banjo Kings & Lyle Murphy
  206. Artist
  207. Writer of shows 'Hey Arnold' and 'Recess'
  208. Animation background designer
  209. Artist
  210. Children's Author-Merry Christmas Little Mouse
  211. Cover artist- moody blues, days of future passed
  212. Photographer
  213. Artist
  214. Celebrity hairstylist; star of reality series
  215. Artist, Illustrator, Designer
  216. Artist
  217. Animation storyboards designer
  218. Post production director - animation
  219. Fashion & Icon Designer Born: 08/29/1921
  220. Long-time illustrator and game developer: Weird Wars, Deadlands, Legends of the Five Rings, Anachronism and other games. Computer games: the Wizardry series and the expansions to Unreal
  221. costume designer (austin powers, now & then)
  222. Fantasy artist
  223. Artist
  224. Storyboard supervisor - Kiff
  225. Disney animator. During pruduction of The Lion King (1994)
  226. Architect best known for being the designer of the World Trade Center Memorial in New York City
  227. Israeli industrial designer, artist, and architect. He designed The Design Museum Holon in Israel
  228. Japanese photographer and contemporary artist
  229. Artist
  230. Architect, 2016 Pritzker Prize winner
  231. fashion designer
  232. Artist, Painter, Toy Design
  233. Layout artist at Hanna barbera
  234. Animation background artist
  235. Filmation animator. Animation department for the 1969 'The Hardy Boys' cartoon
  236. Artist
  237. Polish photographer and veteran of World War II. He is a veteran of the Luftwaffe and the German Army
  238. photographer
  239. MTG artist
  240. Illustrator
  241. Israeli born painter, is now living in Paris, France
  242. Artist; graphic designer; illustrator
  243. Co - founder of the National YoungArts Foundation and the New World Symphony. She is the widow of Ted Arison, founder of Carnival Cruise Lines, and a real estate investor in Florida. Awarded the National Medal of Arts by Obama on July 10, 2013
  244. Jewellery Designer
  245. Pokémon Artist
  246. Photographer
  247. Photographer
  248. Italian Fashion Designer
  249. Artist
  250. Photographer
  251. Swiss Artist
  252. Tattoo Artist
  253. Animation prop designer - housebroken
  254. Animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios
  255. 1st Earl of Snowdon, once married to Princess Margaret, Royal photographer
  256. Travel Blogger & Photographer
  257. Screenwriter (Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3)
  258. Co-Creator of Dungeons and Dragons
  259. Designer and illustrator of children's and young adult books. Co-created LOBO, the first comic book featuring an African-American, during his time as editor at Dell Comics
  260. children's author/illustrator
  261. Artist
  262. Eve Arnold (born April 21, 1912) is an American photojournalist.[1] She joined Magnum Photos agency in 1951, and became a full member in 1957
  263. 3D Artists/Supervisor
  264. Sarah Arnold  (2)
  265. Painter
  266. Female Model, And Artist
  267. Artist
  268. Developer and voice actor for Sierra games. Lead programmer for Conquests of the Longbow and voice actor for Cedric the Owl in King's Quest V
  269. Illustrator
  270. Famous Spanish painter (living in Paris and in Madrid)
  271. Disney artist
  272. Illustrator
  273. St. Louis Professional Photographer (1936-2025) Worked with family as official National Park photographers for the construction of the Gateway Arch. Chronicled St. Louis history in his photos
  274. French photograph
  275. Creator of pinky malinky
  276. Tattoo model, bikini model, artist, welder
  277. Illustrator
  278. Photographer and wife of the late Arthur Ashe
  279. Artist
  280. fashion designer
  281. American Illustrator/Painter. Animating staff of How The Grinch Stole Christmas
  282. Illustrator-Comics(The Hulk and Batman),Star Wars-Runner Up:Create A Star Wars Alien Contest
  283. Spanish painter
  284. sci-fi illustrator
  285. Children's Author
  286. Celebrity artist and actor known for hand drawn intricately detailed illustrations.
  287. Disney artist, song writer. Born: 09/03/1919
  288. JFK - Washington Post photographer who met and photographed Kennnedy as well as covered many other iconic Washington moments like Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech or the Watergate scandal
  289. Tom Atkins  (2)
    JFK - White House photographer who photographed and filmed the Kennedy administration including the motorcade in Dallas; can be seen in photos from the assassination
  290. Miami-based street artist
  291. Head sculptor at Carlo's Bakery and appears on tv show 'Cake Boss'
  292. Illustrator
  293. costume designer (silence of the lambs, beloved)
  294. Finisher, Inker, Penciller, Colorist, Cover Colorist, Artist for DC Comics, as well as Marvel. Also credited as Derec Donovan
  295. Designer
  296. Artist, Painter
  297. Artist
  298. Famous architect
  299. Female nowegian painter
  300. MTG artist
  301. Animation writer
  302. Artist, Toy Design
  303. English book illustrator. Austen used several techniques in his illustrations, including wood-engraving and scraperboard, and changed styles to suit the text he was illustrating
  304. Cheryl Austin  (2)
    Animator - Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (video game)
  305. Disney Artist
  306. photographer
  307. Artist
  308. Hollywood Photographer - most known for photographing James Dean on the set of 'Giant'
  309. Illustrator
  310. MTG artist
  311. Artist - comic book and media artist
  312. Creator/Illustrator of Japanese light novel series: Spice & Wolf. Lives in Japan
  313. Artist
  314. Artist
  315. Aka Elizabeth (Betty) Fitzgerald is a centenarian and a famous English portrait painter
  316. Artist. Painted the burning map seen in the opening of the tv show Bonanza
  317. Illustrator
  318. Cartelista ,historiestita español .Dibujante .Fundador del PGB (Partido de la gente del Bar. poster, Spanish historiestita. Draughtsman. Founder of GDP (People's Party Bar)
  319. Artist
  320. fashion designer
  321. Canadian builder, designer, architect, developer and philanthropist. Member of the order of Canada
  322. fashion designer
  323. Children's illustrator and author
  324. Artist
  325. Comic book cover artist
  326. Character designer - the loud house
  327. Artist
  328. Comic Book Artist
  329. American Architect
  330. Cartoonist, 'Broadside', 'Greenside'
  331. Magic the gathering artist
  332. American illustrator who has worked as a penciler, inker, cover artist, painter, and occasional colorist in the American comic book industry
  333. fashion designer
  334. Architect
  335. Disney animator. Films include The Lion King, Tarzan, Robin Hood, Princess and the Frog, etc
  336. Artist
  337. Inventor of PONG, Magnavox Odsessey 1 (the first video game console) and SIMON hand held game
  338. Animation design character artist - the simpsons
  339. MTG artist
  340. Comic Book Artist - Marvel - Spiderman
  341. German car-designer, born 1930
  342. 1960’s photographer
  343. Greg Bailey  (2)
    Canadian animator
  344. Author and illustrator
  345. Children's Author
  346. Scott Bailey  (3)
    MTG artist
  347. Animation director
  348. Bill Baker  (4)
    Structural engineer, skyscraper expert - behind Berj Khalifa the tallest building in the world in Dubai
  349. Artist; in 1978 designed the rainbow flag as a symbol of gay pride
  350. Jimmy Baker  (2)
  351. Artist
  352. Engineer
  353. Dutch sculpture maker
  354. conceptual artist
  355. Designer
  356. Animator, b.1929. Worked on Mr. Magoo, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Hanna-Barbera shows, produced/directed The Smurfs in the 1980's
  357. Greg Baldwin  (2)
    Character designer - Marvel's Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur
  358. Comic Artist - DC, Catwoman 1993-1999
  359. Animation storyboard artist
  360. English Fashion Photographer
  361. Artist
  362. Architect
  363. Animation Background Supervisor/Artist - The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Tarzan, etc
  364. An American commercial artist best known for creating/designing the first Smiley Face
  365. Irish stamp designer
  366. Broadway costume designer (1906-1993). Annie Get Your Gun, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Sound of Music, Streetcar Named Desire (Oscar nomination for the film also). First ever Tony for a Costume Designer. Married to lyricist Howard Dietz
  367. Artist
  368. Architect/Engineer
  369. Songwriter, actor, sculptor, but most importantly, a filmmaker extraordinaire
  370. Animation color designer - The Simpsons
  371. Early PB/Pulp style artist. Did numerous 'Doc Savage' PB covers and now famous for his western era art (cowboys, indians, buffalo, etc.)Also did Aurora Model kit artwork for boxes
  372. Japanese architect known for: Centre Pompidou-Metz, France; Cardboard Cathedral; Christchurch, New Zealand; Aspen Art Museum, USA
  373. Artist
  374. Cartoonist, Disney Animation, twin brother of Disney Animator Tony Bancroft
  375. Night Gallery Series 1970 Sculptor / Rod Serling
  376. American Children's Illustrator And Author - 'Grey Lady And Strawberry Snatcher'
  377. Artist
  378. Artist
  379. French photographer, writer, painter and sometimes actor
  380. Pseudo-anonymous English street artist
  381. Cover artist new yorker
  382. Artist, Illustrator
  383. Artist / Caricatures
  384. Artist
  385. Artist
  386. John Barber  (2)
  387. American Director,Producer and Writer born 1911.Creator of TV-Serials and Toons like 'Tom and Jerry','The Flintstones','Scooby-Doo','Ritchie Rich','Smurfs','Monchichis','The Jetsons','Foofur','Yogi-The Bear','Addams Family','Jeannie'
  388. Comic book artist for X-men , black Adam and Spawn
  389. Surreal world photographer & photocollage artist/montages created by combination printing; sandwiching negatives together, printing them simultaneously; pre-planned double exposure in camera; the re-photographing of collaged photographs
  390. Creator of the comic series W.I.T.C.H. and Monster Allergy
  391. Spanish artist (born 1957), one of the top 25 most expensive living artists
  392. Disneyland Chief Photographer and Photo Archivist for many years
  393. Disney animator
  394. Artist
  395. Artist
  396. Illustrator
  397. Photographer/Actor - NCIS
  398. fashion photographer and former male fashion model
  399. Artist. Card and print artist. AKA B Face
  400. Graphic designer/typographer
  401. childrens author/illus. (bugs bugs bugs)
  402. Costume design
  403. Artist on pro set card number 30 with Benny Phillips the Plymouth firebird
  404. fashion designer
  405. Artist
  406. Concept Artist and Sculptor for the Star Wars Prequels
  407. American Artist. Born: 05/25/1911
  408. British Illustrator (Born: 1944) Designed the British Rail logo in 1965 aged 21. Now 72 and lives in the UK
  409. Model, Tattoo artist, appeared in tv show 'Tattoos After Dark'
  410. fashion designer
  411. Graphic Artist
  412. Carpenter on TLC show While You Were Out
  413. Eric Barone  (2)
    Creator of Stardew Valley video game. Alias ConcernedApe
  414. Artist
  415. Hannah Barr  (2)
    Fashion Designer
  416. Designed the American editions of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  417. Cartoonist, 'Masked Capers', 'Mr. Magoo'
  418. Artist
  419. Illustrator - The Snow Goose
  420. Actress/Photographer - b. Dec. 9, 1933, active in the 50s and 60s
  421. Storyboard Artist
  422. Illistrator cover art for DIO albumHOLY DIVER
  423. king of the kustomizers (batmobile)
  424. George Barris  (2)
    American photographer and photojournalist and friend of Marilyn Monroe who took some of the last photographs of her just weeks before she died
  425. Executive producer
  426. Animation layout artist
  427. Animation storyboard artist
  428. Author
  429. Performing name of a French horse trainer, film producer and impresario
  430. Mario Barth  (2)
    Won over 200 awards from all over the world for his tattooing over the past 30 years, including but not limited to best tattoo artist of the year for 8 years before retiring from competitive tattooing
  431. Photographer
  432. Artist
  433. Photographer
  434. D.J./Navajo Artist
  435. American director and screenwriter - The Sugarland Express
  436. German Post-Modern Painter. Has sold four paintings for an average of $4 million each
  437. Modern Artist
  438. Born July 5, 1952, American painter
  439. Graphic Designer of motion picture title sequences - Psycho, North By Northwest, Vertigo, Man With The Golden Arm, Anatomy Of A Murder, West Side Story, 7 Year Itch, Around The World-80 Days, Spartacus, Exodus, ...Mad World, Oceans Eleven, Goodfellas
  440. American illustrator who has worked in both advertising and comic books
  441. Animation designer - beetlejuice. Babar etc
  442. Artist
  443. Illustrator
  444. Larissa Bates  (2)
  445. Comic artist -chastity, etc
  446. Cartoonist, Crankshaft, Funky Winkerbean
  447. Artist
  448. Animation Character Designer
  449. Artist
  450. 2D Artists/Supervisor
  451. model/photographer
  452. Artist
  453. news photographer, pulizer prize 1978
  454. American artist. She has been nominated for the World Fantasy Award five times and nominated for the Chesley Award several times
  455. Artist; best known for his contributions to Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering
  456. British cartoonist,the creator of Beano's Little Plum,Minnie the Minx,The Bash Street kids and The Three Little Bears
  457. Artist
  458. James Baxter  (2)
  459. Walt Disney Imagineer
  460. Video game writer
  461. English book illustrator. Artist of the Narnia series
  462. Author, Illustrator, Producer - Jane and the Dragon, The WotWots
  463. Designer
  464. Artist
  465. Artist / Painter
  466. Animation storyboard artist, Director, Voice Talent
  467. Artist, Photographer
  468. CCG artist
  469. Artist
  470. City Planner and Designer. Member of the Order of Canada
  471. Artist, Illustrator and Toy Designer
  472. Illustrator
  473. Cartoonist, 'Hark! A Vagrant'
  474. American illustrator born in Whitesburg, Kentucky who has worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Worked on Captain America, The Punisher, Secret Wars, The Nam, The Adventures of Superman, Batman, JLA
  475. Artist who has worked as a penciler and inker in the American comic book industry, where he is perhaps best known for his co-creation the female detective Ms. Tree and Wild Dog
  476. British designer and artist who designed several classic British posters, including the quads for Fantastic Voyage (1966), Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid (1969), Star Wars (1977) and Mad Max (1979). He is now retired
  477. Comic book artist
  478. Artist
  479. Artist
  480. Walt Disney Artist
  481. Cartoonist
  482. Graphic Artist/client list; Boy Scouts of America, Playboy, Hasbro Toy Company, Delta and United Airlines, Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures, Coca-Cola, Sony Entertainment, The Grateful Dead, Marvel, DC, TopCow, and Dark Horse Comics
  483. Comic book Artiest & Inker 1940's - 1990's
  484. Artist
  485. Frenchman who painted the cryptic paintings for the Golden Owl treasure hunt/Riddle created by Max Valentin. think he live in rochefort france