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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag serviceStartYear%3A:1975
Browsing Entries matching Tag serviceStartYear%3A:1975
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  1. US Secretary of Defense (2021-2025), Retired United States Army general, 12th commander of United States Central Command
  2. Prim Min of Fiji
  3. Navy Admiral
  4. First woman to become a US Four Star General
  5. WWII - Battle of Midway Pilot
  6. 4 Star General Born April 16, 1953
  7. Navy Admiral
  8. General, Born April 7, 1952
  9. British Politician
  10. USCG Admiral
  11. President Of Russia
  12. Former Leader Of The Opposition (as of 12/11/03)
  13. US Army General
  14. President of East Timor
  15. former President Of Ukraine