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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag MilitaryUnit%3A:United_States_Navy_Reserve
Browsing Entries matching Tag MilitaryUnit%3A:United_States_Navy_Reserve
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  1. Governor of Idaho (1971-77 and 1987-95); Secretary of the Interior (1977-81)
  2. Son Of Jeb BushBorn April 24, 1976
  3. 71st Governor of Delaware (1993-2001); U.S. Senator from Delaware (2001-2025)
  4. Republican US Senator from California
  5. U.S. Senator from Louisiana (1948-1987)
  6. Gary Peters  (2)
    U.S. Senator from Michigan
  7. Former Secretary of Defense to Presidents Gerald R. Ford and George W. Bush
  8. Attorney General 1981-1985