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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag ManagerClub%3A:Chester_City_F.C.
Browsing Entries matching Tag ManagerClub%3A:Chester_City_F.C.
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  1. ex Sunderland footballer now Manager
  2. Ex Soccer Player, Now Turned Coach
  3. Ex soccer player. Formerly of Manchester City & Wolverhampton Wanderers, now turned coach
  4. Simon Davies  (2)
    Ex Soccer Player For Manchester United & Wales
  5. Basketball Player
  6. Andy Porter  (2)
    Former soccer player, now assistant manager
  7. Former Welsh International soccer played for Everton & Cardiff City Football Clubs
  8. Ex Football player for Liverpool & Wales
  9. Tim Ryan  (6)
    Soccer Player
  10. Tim Ryan  (7)
    Soccer Player
  11. Mark Wright  (4)
    Former Rugby League Player
  12. Ex England/liverpool Footballer