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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag InfluencedBy%3A:Vladimir_Nabokov
Browsing Entries matching Tag InfluencedBy%3A:Vladimir_Nabokov
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  1. Author
  2. Author best known for his postmodern and metafictional fiction. His most highly regarded and influential works were published in the 1960s, and include The Sot-Weed Factor, a satirical retelling of Maryland's colonial history, and Lost in the Funhouse
  3. writer
  4. Author
  5. Author
  6. Author of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for 'The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay'/Writer for Star Trek: Picard
  7. Author
  8. John Crowley  (2)
    Author - Dæmonomania, Love & Sleep, Ægypt, The Translator, and Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land.
  9. Jon Crowley  (2)
  10. Brandon in 'Soup of the Day', an internet series
  11. Author
  12. Author - Underworld, White Noise, Libra, Falling Man, etc
  13. Author - Middlesex (winner of the Pulitzer Prize), The Virgin Suicides, and The Marriage Plot
  14. Author
  15. Author
  16. Author - Bad Behavior & Two Girls, Fat and Thin
  17. Author
  18. author of the 'Series of Unfortunate Events ' books
  19. Author
  20. Author
  21. Author
  22. Author - Interpreter of Maladies (Pulitzer Prize winner), The Namesake, Unaccustomed Earth, etc
  23. Author
  24. Spanish writer
  25. author pulitzer prize
  26. Award-winning and bestselling author of Cloud Atlas, The Bone Clocks, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, Black Swan Green
  27. Involved with the story of the race horse Ruffian. I believe he was the Sports Illustrater reporter who covered it
  28. Author
  29. Turkish Author, Nobel Prize Winner for Literature. 'First Muslem writer to defend Salman Rushdie' Wrote 'The White Castle', 'The Black Book' & 'My Name is Red'.
  30. Author
  31. Author
  32. American philosopher
  33. author
  34. writer / director - Downhill Racer
  35. Author
  36. author (white teeth)
  37. Author of international bestseller The Secret History and The Little Friend
  38. author rabbit is rich, rabbit at rest pul prize 82 & 91
  39. Author
  40. 'Mr. Sebastian and the Negro Magician' & 'Big Fish' which was made into a movie!
  41. Author