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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthPlace%3A:French_Fourth_Republic
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthPlace%3A:French_Fourth_Republic
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  1. French politician, former minister. She has been the First Secretary of the French Socialist Party since November 2008 and Mayor of Lille (Nord) since March 2001
  2. Former French Prime minister (september - december 2024), former European deputy
  3. French politician, currently French Prime minister, former minister, was a candidate in the 2002 and 2007 French presidential elections
  4. President of the Senate of France since 2011
  5. French Female Politician - 'Member Of The National Assembly Of France- Seine - Saint - Denis's 4th Constituency' (2002- ), 'Minister Of Youth Affairs And Sports(1997-2002), 'National Secretary Of The French Communist Party' (2001-2010)
  6. Politician - European Parlament
  7. Former Cyclist and 5 time Tour De France Winner
  8. Former French minister
  9. French senator, president of the Senate of France, former minister
  10. French minister
  11. French Politician, minister
  12. French politician, and claims to be the current head of the Imperial House of France as male heir to the rights and legacy established by his great-great-grand-uncle, Emperor Napoléon I.
  13. French Politician, member of the National Assembly of France
  14. French Politician, minister