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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:Golden_Lion
Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:Golden_Lion
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  1. French artist and painter
  2. French Director - Gervaise (Oscar nom. - Best Foreign Film 1956), Is Paris Burning?, The Battle Of The Rails, Forbidden Games, Purple Noon, Che Gioia Vivere, Lovers Happy Lovers, Les Maudits, The Walls Of Malapaga
  3. Movie Director from Taiwan, born in 1947
  4. artist
  5. movie director
  6. Movie Director/Screenwriter - Casanova 70 (AA nom), The Organizer (AA nom), The Great War (GG nom), Dark Illness (GG nom)
  7. Director
  8. Movie, Director/'Buena Vista Social Club' 'Paris, Texas'