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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:C%E9sar_Award
Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:C%E9sar_Award
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  1. French actress 'La famille Wolberg' 'Safari'
  2. British author (Pompeii)
  3. French film director and actor
  4. French Actress (b: 1944)-Cousin Cousine,The Bronte Sisters,French Postcards,Love at 20,Wild Living,Paulina is Leaving,Barocco,Love On The Run,Pot Bouille,Scruples,Chanel Solitaire (as Coco Chanel),Other Side of Midnight,The Hot Touch,Marion,Miss Right
  5. actor - The 13th Warrior, Doctor Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia
  6. French writer & director