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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:Berlin_International_Film_Festival
Browsing Entries matching Tag Award%3A:Berlin_International_Film_Festival
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  1. Director
  2. Actress: The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show (v/Lucy), Who's The Boss?, Valerie, The Hogan Family, The Fast Show, Annie, The Incredible Hulk, The Master // Singer & Songwriter // Disc Jockey
  3. Actor: Billy Budd, The Collector, The Limey, The Hit, The Sicilian, Modesty Blaise, Superman 1-2, Star Trek, Alien Nation, Young Guns, Legal Eagles, Wall Street, Smallville, Red Planet, Valkyrie, September Dawn
  4. Movie, Director/'Buena Vista Social Club' 'Paris, Texas'