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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag AssociatedBand%3A:Bobby_Womack
Browsing Entries matching Tag AssociatedBand%3A:Bobby_Womack
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  1. Singer/Songwriter Blur, Gorillaz
  2. American Male Former Singer And Songwriter (1951-1964). Soul, R&B, Gospel Musical Genres. Singles -'You Send Me' (1957), 'You Were Made For Me' (1958), 'Chain Gang' (1960), 'Cupid' (1961), 'Bring It On Home to Me' (1962), 'Another Saturday Night' (1963)
  3. Jim Hughes  (3)
    Cousin of percy sledge r&b singer/songwriter 1964 hit song " steal away "
  4. Motown R&B Singer (My Guy, You Beat Me To The Punch, The One Who Really Loves You, Two Lovers, Bye Bye Baby, Laughing Boy, I Don't Want To Take A Chance)