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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag AlmaMater%3A:University_of_South_Carolina
Browsing Entries matching Tag AlmaMater%3A:University_of_South_Carolina
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  1. Governor of South Carolina 1995-1999
  2. Former Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush; notified President Bush of the 9/11 terrorist attacks while they were visiting the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida
  3. Actor; 'Ringer', 'Million Dollar Baby', 'The Good Wife', 'Blue Bloods', Evil
  4. U.S. Representative from South Carolina (1975-1995)
  5. Actor
  6. U.S. Senator from South Carolina (2003-present)
  7. Former Governor of South Carolina (1999-2003)
  8. SC Treasurer
  9. Governor of South Carolina (2017-??); South Carolina State Attorney General (2003-2011)
  10. Former Governor of South Carolina (1965-1971)
  11. Author - Stakeholder Theory and Organizational Ethics
  12. Model/children's right advocate, known for involvement in the Gary Hart scandal
  13. president nra
  14. Former Governor of South Carolina (1979-1987); Clinton Secretary of Education (1993-2001)
  15. Governor of South Carolina (1963-1965); U.S. Senator from South Carolina (1965-1966)
  16. U.S. Representative from South Carolina (1971-2001)
  17. Governor of South Carolina (1971-75)