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StarTiger - Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1971-10-03
Browsing Entries matching Tag BirthDate%3A:1971-10-03
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  1. Baseball / 1992-2005 / Versatile Player that Played Infield & Outfield / Expos, Red Sox, Indians & Four Other Teams
  2. 20th U.S. Secretary of Transportation (2025-); U.S. Congressman from WI-07 (2011-2019); District Attorney of Ashland County (2002-2010)
  3. Former American football linebacker in both the Canadian Football League and National Football League for the Baltimore Stallions, Toronto Argonauts, San Francisco 49ers
  4. Baseball player;padres 1993
  5. Comedian
  6. Actor - Living Single (Teddy), In the House, Without a Trace, C.S.I: Crime Scene Investigation
  7. Pop Singer / Member of the Backstreet Boys